2024 EMNLP Conference Registration

November 12 - 16, 2024 


Early Registration: Ends Monday, October 21, 2024 11:59pm ET
Late Registration: Ends for In-Person and Virtual: Monday, November 11, 2024 11:59pm ET
Onsite Registration: Will open for In-Person and Virtual on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 through November 16, 2024


The ACL & EMNLP Exec have put together the following 3 registration types, each with an option for Authors to register their paper to present at the conference and cover their hard costs of presenting at the conference while allowing non-presenting authors and attendees a discounted rate for future advancement of the NLP Communities the ability to attend. 


1. Industrial/Non-Academic

2. Academic 

3. Student


In Person Main Conf. Registration

  • Admission to all in-person and online meeting sessions and the exhibition (in person only) as well as the entire virtual program held on Underline.
  • Morning and afternoon coffee breaks (with light snacks) each day of the conference
  • Admission to the Welcome Reception on Monday, November 11th located on the Terrace level of the Hyatt Regency Miami, from lobby take escalators down to the Terrace level.
  • Admission to the Social Dinner on Wednesday, November 13th located at the Frost Museum.
  • Attendance to all recorded sessions on demand for at least one month following the meeting.
  • Please note: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinners are not included in your conference fees Exception is the Social Dinner.

In Person Tutorial Only or Workshop Only

  • Admission to the In Person Session you registered for (as well as access virtually)
  • Morning and afternoon coffee breaks (with light snacks)
  • Please note: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinners are not included in your conference fees Exception is the Social Dinner.


Virtual Main Conference Registration

  • Attendance to all online virtual sessions (plenary, oral talks and virtual poster sessions) via the virtual conference platform held on Underline.
  • Access to online Gather poster gallery
  • Access to online networking opportunities
  • Attendance to all recorded sessions on demand for at least one month following the meeting.


Discounted Virtual Registration

Discounted/sliding scale virtual registration is intended to make ACL events accessible to researchers who otherwise would be unable to participate.

Criteria for selection for financial aid will include your

  • (a) country of residence
  • (b) employment position
  • (c) monthly income range
  • (d) available financial support from your employer/university, and
  • (e) special circumstances.

Authors with accepted papers to the conference do not qualify for this program. Students needing financial assistance can apply for Volunteer or DNI grants. The virtual subsidy is available to those in greatest financial need, except in the case of special circumstances this additional funding is not intended for employed individuals and funded students from USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and higher income countries in Asia and the Middle East. Standard student registration rates (including from these regions) are already substantially discounted.


Virtual Tutorial Only or Workshop Only

  • Attendance to all online virtual Sessions you registered for (tutorial or workshop selected)
  • Access to Gather if your workshop has a virtual poster session.
  • Attendance to all Tutorial or Workshop sessions on demand for at least one month following the meeting.


Authors Registration Fee Details: 

Author Register Paper (for presentation) Industrial/Non-Academic, Academic or Student

At least one author of each accepted paper to an ACL conference (ACL, NAACL, EACL, AACL, or EMNLP) must register their paper to present at the conference. 

Exceptions to the statement above:

  • Accepted Finding that are not being presented. All findings being presented must register their paper.
  • Workshop shared tasked papers do not need to register their paper to present.

Note all Paper registration fees are based on actual hard cost to the conference. 

  • In person registration fee reflects the attendees’ hard costs of food & beverage (breaks, welcome reception, and social dinner) along with meeting space, av or poster presentation equipment). 
  • Virtual attendees’ registration fees reflect the virtual costs (internet, AV, content management, platforms). 


Author Deadlines for Registering the Paper to Present: 

To assist the program chairs and committee with publishing the conference details for the program and Anthology we ask all authors to register no later than the following dates:


               Accepted –

              Main Conference, Findings, CL/TACL, DEMOS & Industry – October 14th 


             Accepted –

            Workshop no later than the Early Registration deadline of October 21st


All Authors presenting their paper at a workshop must have 1 author register your paper. If attending the full conference, select the Registered Paper option and follow the prompts to select your attendee type.

Workshop Exception for registering your paper would be shared task papers. Shared Tasks are not required to register your paper.

Since workshop notifications can come after early registration ends, there will be a way to add a paper to a registration once you receive notification.



The paper title will be included in your invitation letter.
Only one author/presenter needs to be registered for each paper.